4805 McKinney Ave is a property in Dallas TX 75205. View photos, map, tax, nearby homes for sale, home values, school info Get a $1,000 refund buying this 1 bed, 1.0 bath, 749 sq ft apartment at 4805 McKinney Ave #218, Dallas, TX 75205. Home value report for 4805 Mckinney Ave, Dallas, TX 75205. View on as well as property record details, price history, local schools and refinance offers. Find who lives at 4805 McKinney Ave 114 in Dallas, TX 75205 for free!

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View details, map and photos of this condo / townhouse property with 1 bedrooms and 1 total baths. MLS# 10685624. Sold - 4805 McKinney Ave #104 A, Dallas, TX - $0.

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apartment is a 3 bed, 2.0 bath unit. Find 27 photos of the 4805 Mckinney Ave APT 401 apartment on Zillow.

We're 100% free for everything! 4805 Mckinney Ave, Dallas, Texas 75205 - MLS# 11496664 - OFF MARKET. This 1 beds 1 baths Condo/Co-op property located by address '4805 Mckinney Ave, Dallas, Texas 75205'. Current property is no longer listed for sale on IndexPost and we are unable to track its current status. Date when property was set to OFF MARKET: 11/4/2010 10:48:51 AM 4805 McKinney Ave Unit 218 is a 1 Beds, 1 Full Bath(s), property in Dallas TX 75205. View photos, map, tax, nearby homes for sale, home values, school info Hudson at 4805 Mckinney Ave has no currently available apartments in Dallas, TX. Search for other sublets, houses and apartment rentals in Dallas, then use our bedroom, bathroom and rent price filters to find your perfect home. 2 beds, 1 bath, 752 sq.
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ft. house located at 4805 McKinley Ave, Tacoma, WA 98404 sold for $64,000 on Aug 17, 2012. MLS# 384507. rambler located on bus line near shopping and freeway access, 2 bedro View details for who previously lived at 4805 Mckinney Ave Apt 106b, Dallas, TX 75205.
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Based on Redfin's Dallas data, we estimate the home's value is $127,597. Comparable nearby homes include 4239 McKinney Ave #102, 4712 Abbott Ave #204, and 5200 Martel Ave Unit 27B.

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Get owner name, cell phone number, email address, relatives, friends and a lot more. We're 100% free for everything! 4805 Mckinney Ave, Dallas, Texas 75205 - MLS# 11496664 - OFF MARKET.