The Swedish Welfare State, Refugees and - JSTOR


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Refugee Protection in International Law - June 2003. Article 31: refugees unlawfully in the country of refuge. Introduction. Article 31 of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of … Summary. Relying on the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), this chapter explains why international human rights law is relevant to the interpretation of Article 1A(2) of the Refugee Convention. It then describes Articles 31-33 of the VCLT, 2018-10-20 2019-04-01 Prohibition on the forced return of a refugee is called nonrefoulement and is one of the most fundamental principles in international refugee law. This principle is laid out in Article 33 of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, which says that no state "shall expel or return ('refouler' in French) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life Convention relating to the status of refugees also known as 1951 refugee convention is built on Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR), which recognizes the right of people seeking asylum in other countries because of persecution in their own countries.

Refugee convention summary

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Church of Sweden, (hereinafter CoS) is a faith-based organization. asylum-seekers risk deportation to their country of origin and, in most cases, also Convention on the Rights of the Child, CRC, into domestic legislation. A summary of the Annual Report 2012:2 on child poverty in Sweden, better reception of children and young people in families seeking asylum in Sweden, i.e. NOTE (GENERAL): Geneva conventions;Refugee convention;.

Publications - Mittuniversitetet

Se hela listan på The 1951 Refugee Convention was drawn up in the wake of World War II to protect Europeans, who were forced to flee their homes. DW takes a look at why the document is still relevant 65 years on. A refugee, according to the Convention, is someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion. The Convention is both a status and rights-based instrument and is under- The 1969 African Refugee Convention: Innovations, Misconceptions, and Omissions.


By engaging in a comparative analysis of these gaps by coun- . 3.2 Analysis of the main elements of article I of the 1969 OAU Convention 1951 Refugee Convention (1951 Geneva Convention): The United Nations  8 Feb 2016 [iv] According to the Article I (2) of the OAU Convention, refugee is also any person compelled to leave his/her country owing to external  Refugee Convention surely had this in mind when they drafted Articles 17, The paper opens in Section 2 with a brief historical background of Jordan as a  conventions.5 As a result, refugees in Lebanon and. Jordan are not automatically granted rights to employment under the Refugee Convention. A critical source  eSharp. Special Issue: The 1951 UN Refugee Convention - 60 Years On. 9 through an analysis of the semiotics surrounding the term 'refugee'.

Refugee Summary Next. Josef: Berlin, Germany – 1938. Refugee follows the stories of three refugee children fleeing conflicts in their home countries. The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (commonly known as the Refugee Convention) is the main international treaty concerning refugee protection.
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Refugee convention summary

Se hela listan på The 1951 Refugee Convention was drawn up in the wake of World War II to protect Europeans, who were forced to flee their homes. DW takes a look at why the document is still relevant 65 years on.

Charter of the Organization of African Unity  over Refugee Convention supervision. The result of those deliberations—the. ' Summary Conclusions of the Cambridge/Michigan Roundtable on the.
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It was for this reason that the Convention Summary. The 1951 Refugee Convention is the key legal document governing international standards for refugee work and is administered by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR), established in 1950 to handle the millions of people displaced in the aftermath of World War II. Convention relating to the Status of Refugees Adopted on 28 July 1951 by the United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Status of Refugees and Stateless Persons convened under General Assembly resolution 429 (V) of 14 December 1950 Entry into force: 22 April 1954, in accordance with article 43.

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Content type: Book content. Published in print: 22 March 2007.