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Quantification of microorganisms No. Our machine is still sitting in San Jose at BD over a year later because we haven't decided if it's worth paying for the repairs. Unless otherwise noted, BD, BD Logo and all other trademarks are property of Becton, Dickinson and Company. Figure 1-1. The BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer System The BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer system includes BD Accuri C6 Software for controlling the instrument 2016-03-01 BD Accuri C6 with sample volumes as low as 300 μL (assuming a volume run limit of 10 μL) in BD Falcon™ 12 x 75-mm tubes.
The Accuri C6 offers a budget friendly option for a bench top flow cytometer. This first generation model is priced under $50,000, is light weight, comes in several different configurations and has a very small footprint making it an ideal personal flow cytometer. It has a very easy set up and the software interface is easy to navigate, however the analysis using the CFlow software is a little The 488nm laser is the most important excitation light source of flow cytometry. The indirect diode (frequency-doubled diode) 488nm lasers are used in the excitation of Becton Dickinson (BD) AccuriTM C6. For using cost effective lasers, we have validated direct diode 488nm lasers as the replacement component of frequency-doubled diode laser. BD Bioscience issued the protocols to 1 The standard configuration of the BD Accuri C6 (as shipped) is “3-blue 1-red” with the 533/30 (formerly 530/30) filter in FL1, 585/40 in FL2, 670 LP in FL3, and 675/25 in FL4. Additional laser configurations (2-blue 2-red, 4-blue) are available with the Selectable Lasers Module (Cat.
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The default configuration of the BD Accuri ® C6 is similar to the FACSCalibur-2 (3-Blue 1-Red) with filters optimized for the detection of fluorochromes such as FITC, PE, PerCP, and APC. 2.5. Laser Precautions The C6 Flow Cytometer contains a solid state 488nm and a 640nm diode laser under the outer and secondary covers.
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Analyzers. Sorters. BD Accuri™ C6. BD FA. CSCalibur™.
The BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer is a small benchtop anlyser equipped with 2 lasers, blue (488nm) and red (633nm) and is capable of 4 colour, 6 parameter analysis (4 colour + FSC + SSC). The Accuri C6 has a fixed optical alignment and pre-optmized detector settings and data is collected over a 7 decade dynamic range, therefore adjustment of detector voltages is not necessary. Suggested Compensation Values for the BD Accuri C6. Compensation Controls – Beads Advantages of compensation beads – Easy to use – Do not require cells 29 FITC PE. BD Accuri™ C6 Software Sample Grid Cytometer Status Standard C6 configuration Selectable Lasers: 2-blue 2-red. Want to build a panel on the Accuri C6 using FluoroFinder?
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With its compact 11 x 14.75 x 16.5-in footprint, light weight of 30 lb and operational simplicity, the BD Accuri C6 Plus flow cytometer supports a wide array of applications including immunology, cell and cancer biology, plant and microbiology, and industrial applications. Learn more. Class 1 Laser Product. 1.3 BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer Specifications Table 1-3.
Optional filters and the Selectable Lasers Module expand the available fluorochrome combinations. During manufacture, laser and optical alignments are set and locked down. The result is that each BD Accuri C6 flow cytometer is manufactured with standardized fluorescence performance so that users do not need to adjust detector voltages.
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Accuri Innovations in Flow Cytometry. • Innovations in all the major components of a flow BD ACCURI C6. (acquired in 2015). 2 lasers, 4 colors. C6 HELP PAGE.
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Facilitates standard three detectors off blue laser, and one off red laser. Allows for four blue detectors, or two blue and two red detectors. Regulatory Status RUO BD has discontinued selling the BD Accuri™ C6 flow cytometer as of December 31, 2016. Service for BD Accuri C6 systems and their related options will continue until April 15, 2021. All current service contracts will be honored. Current extended warranties will not be affected and will be supported until they expire.