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Forgot your password? Password *. Remember me for 30 days (This is a trusted computer that only I have access to) Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket, SSHL. 17 februari 2017 · Sara Svensson and Beata Ankarcrona are working on a series of videos to promote the sports and extra curricular activities at SSHL. Both on the IB Diploma programme, Sara and Beata are doing this … Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket, SSHL, Sigtuna, Sweden. 6 707 gillar · 43 pratar om detta. This is the official page of Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket - Sweden's leading boarding school, Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket, SSHL, Sigtuna, Sweden.
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About SSHL. Live and learn in a beautiful, vibrant setting. SSHL is a boarding school. Our primary charge is to provide Swedish students both from home and abroad with a high-quality, rigorous education in a boarding school setting. 2021-03-01 Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket Internatskola Find Out if Life as a Boarding Student is for You If you are interested in finding out what boarding life att SSHL is really like, we would like to invite you to come and try boarding at SSHL during the academic year. Middle Years Programme.
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Payments which are overdue will be subject to penalty interest charges. If a School fees are invoiced twice per academic year: in July and December. Payment for the autumn term should be received by Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket by August 15 and for the spring in January, at the latest, via Bankgiro 142-9000.
Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket, SSHL - Home
Mrs. Eva Fellin. SSHL Manfred Björkquists Allé 6-8 Sigtuna SE-193 41 SWEDEN .
International students around the world and local families in Sigtuna or nearby suburbs with children performing at an exceptional level have also been enrolled to SSHL. As a non-profit private boarding school, management
Hotades nyligen. För bara några dagar sedan, torsdagen den 25 februari, riktades ett hot mot den anrika internatskolan Sigtuna humanistiska läroverk. Eleverna låstes in i sina klassrum och
Flera elever på internatskolan Sigtunaskolan humanistiska läroverk klädde sig i svart på onsdagen för att göra ett statement. I tisdags polisanmäldes en kränkning i sociala medier som rör
Förbundets ändamål är att stärka och befästa samhörigheten mellan medlemmarna och mellan medlemmarna och skolan, i syfte att stödja Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket. Som medlem får du: tillgång till ett stort internationellt nätverk - över 10 000 föredettingar, genom vilket du håller kontakt med dina skolkamrater och skola.
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This is the official page of Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Fee Day student Boarding student (SEK) IB MYP 2-4: 25 500: 25 500: IB MYP 5 and IB DP* and IBCP – BAHM* 31 500: 31 500: Extracurricular activities: 2 000: 0: Application fee: 0: 2 500: Registration fee: 0: 15 000 School fees are invoiced twice per academic year. Payment for the autumn term should be received by Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket latest by July 31st and for the spring term latest by November th30 . Payments which are overdue will be subject to penalty interest charges. If a School fees are invoiced twice per academic year: in July and December.
*An examination fee will be added to the spring term fee invoice for grade 12 students.
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Schoolsoft International It College Of Sweden Stockholm
SSHL Manfred Björkquists Allé 6-8 Sigtuna SE-193 41 SWEDEN . Contact coordinator +46859257192 Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket (SSHL) är en internatskola i Sigtuna för högstadiet och gymnasiet. Sveriges konung Carl XVI Gustaf och före detta statsminister Olof Palme har varit elever vid skolan.
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Schoolsoft International It College Of Sweden Stockholm
Institute Fees (Refundable), 10,000. Program Fee for Bachelor of Arts The historic Swedish city of Sigtuna is the locale for one of Sweden's leading boarding schools, Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket, or SSHL. On Saturday Sigtunaskolan Humanistiska Läroverket is a coeducational independent school for boarding and day students between the seventh and twelfth grades. Day student. Day students enrolled in the Swedish curriculum pay no fees. For IB Programmes, please see Additional fees below.