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Send Message Welcome to Halkans Rockhouse! The first established and the main Vintage Guitar Dealer in Scandinavia since 1970.
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1953 fender telecaster old refin original pickups. Condition 7.8 Free shipping within EU. HALKAN'S ROCKHOUSE, Noe Arksgranden 2 Halkan's Rockhouse has been open since 1970. It specializes in vintage instruments and amps.
Noe Arksgranden 2 118 …
At your service: William Hallquisth, Jan "Halkan" Hallquisth, Stevie Klasson, Martin Wilhelmsson, Jerzy Szledakowski Contact: Phone: +46-8-641 49 70 Email: Weekdays 11 - 06 pm Saturday 11 - 04 pm Sunday Closed Noe Arksgranden 2 118 26 Stockholm Sweden
Halkan's Rockhouse - Old Guitars, Stockholm, Sweden. 985 likes. Interest
With so few reviews, your opinion of Halkan's Rockhouse - Old Guitars & Amps could be huge.
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1984 Halkans Dual Tone Model Gra-60dt Amp: Fender 4 Button Foot Switch for Cyber Twin SE Guitar Amp: Fender Old Echo: Fishman Pro-EQ Platinum Preamp:
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Halkan's Rockhouse - Old Guitars & Amps -
Hej ! Is there any 2nd hand shop where I can find guitars or other instruments? I'm looking at blocket but I haven't had luck yet :P Otherwise I … Gitarrzombien träffar Jan "Halkan" Hallquist och Stevie Klasson i ett maratonmöte om 54:37Avsnitt 7: Manic Custom Guitars (Michael Åkesson)Dec 24, 2019.