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Identifikatorer. DOI. Dispersal timing and drought history influence the response of bacterioplankton to drying–rewetting stress. The ISME Journal, 11(8): 1764-1776 More  3 nov. 2020 — ISME är en ideell förening och är ägare till International Symposia on Microbial Ecology och även ägare av ISME Journal som publiceras av  Recently they had an article published in the scientific journal The ISME Journal: ”Ninety-nine de novo assembled genomes from the moose (Alces alces) rumen  Ref: FoU. Nylinder, J., Stenberg, M., Jansson, P.E., Kasimir Klemedtsson, Å., Weslien, P., DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2011.02.027. The ISME Journal 5, 1213-​1225. FoU) i Oskarshamn. Den har accepteras för publicering i ISME Journal som är en av de högst rankade vetenskapliga publikationerna inom mikrobiologin.

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Resultaten presenteras i en artikel i den internationella forskningstidskriften ISME Journal. En fullfärgsversion av denna siffra är tillgänglig i tidskriften ISME Journal online. Bild i full storlek. P. baicalense, P. euryceps och Scrippsiella aff. hangoei (från  ISME Communications is a fully open access journal, welcoming a range of content types including original research, review, brief communication and correspondence articles of high significance to the microbial ecology research community. ISME Comms vs.

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Guide to The ISME Journal (Anal. Sci.) for correct citing, referencing and creating bibliographies.

[PDF] Metagenomic analysis of hadopelagic microbial

438-450Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published  pigment gene cluster dominate the brackish water Baltic Sea. J Larsson, N Celepli, K Ininbergs, CL Dupont, S Yooseph, B Bergman, The ISME journal 8 (​9),  30 maj 2012 — Futter, M. N., Klaminder, J., Lucas, R.W., Laudon, H., Köhler, S.J. (2012) Uncertainty in silicate Environmental Microbiology / ISME Journal.

Sep 2020 | Michelle Wille, Erin Harvey, Mang Shi, et al. Despite its isolation and extreme  ISME Journal is a journal indexed in SJR in Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics and Microbiology with an H index of 156.
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About the Journal ICV 2016: 83.95. The ISME Journal seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of microbial ecology spanning the breadth of  The ISME Journal seeks to promote diverse and integrated areas of microbial ecology spanning the breadth of microbial life, including bacteria, archaea,  i-JMR is a general medical journal with a focus on innovation in health, health care, and medicine - through new medical techniques and innovative ideas and/ or  The journal welcomes manuscripts that present original research, reviews, short communications and essays pertaining to these disciplines written by students  Papers that are an incremental improvement on existing work (conference or journal publications) are generally not invited for peer review. All authors' required  We have designed a survey to better understand the factors researchers take into consideration when choosing journals to submit their work to. Your input will  Mar 15, 2016 JMBE Profiles with Kari Wester is an interview series that highlights the volunteers that comprise the Journal of Microbiology & Biology  Jan 25, 2008 Kowalchuk, George A.; Heidelberg, John F.; Bailey, Mark J.. 2007 The ISME Journal: Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology. ISME  International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME) & The ISME Journal, Wageningen.

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In this study we  The ISME Journal © 2017 International Society for Microbial Ecology. The endobacterium of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus modulates the expression of its  ISME Journal. I S M E JOURNALMULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, International Society for Microbial Ecology, ISME J, Medline Abbreviated Title: ISME J, The  Sustained RNA virome diversity in Antarctic penguins and their ticks.

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