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WIPO Lex compiles IP data for over 60 countries with substantial coverage for an additional 100 legal systems. Subscribe to WIPO Newsletters. Stay up to date with news and announcements from WIPO in your area of interest. First pick your newsletters; then complete your contact information below to receive free email updates direct to your inbox. A WIPO Lex-Judments está disponível em inglês, árabe, chinês, francês, russo e espanhol e melhora o acesso global a julgamentos de PI estrangeiros através de ferramentas de tradução automática, como o WIPO Translate. Neste momento, a WIPO Lex-Judgments contém mais de 400 documentos de 10 países.
WIPO Lex Practical Law Resource ID 0-566-1146 (Approx. 1 page) Ask a question WIPO Lex. Related Content. This is an official website, containing IP-related legislation of members of WIPO. It is potentially out-of-date and English translations are for guidance only. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO; French: Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (OMPI)) is one of the 15 specialized agencies of the United Nations (UN). Pursuant to the 1967 Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO was created to promote and protect intellectual property (IP) across the world by cooperating with countries as
I need to contact a WIPO staff member WIPO Contact Center. Tel: +41 22 338 9111; Opening hours: 08:00 - 18:00 (CET)
Organisasi Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual Dunia atau disebut juga World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (bahasa Prancis: Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle atau OMPI) adalah salah satu badan khusus Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.WIPO dibentuk pada tahun 1967 dengan tujuan "untuk mendorong kreativitas dan memperkenalkan perlindungan kekayaan intelektual ke …
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