The Work Environment – Impact of Technological - GUPEA


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The existing Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Fac- tors at Work (QPSNordic) was selected to be the ground for the new questionnaire, since considerable effort was focused in 1994-1998 to producing a valid questionnaire for psychological and social factors at work. The Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work (QPS Nordic) (STAMI, 2001) was used. The QPS consists of 118 items; three items concerning bullying and harassment were taken out of the present study. The employees’ survey needs some background information about the organization, concerning the organizations business, possible connection with other companies, size and structure, decision-authority, organizational changes and personnel policy. Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt (STAMI) er det nasjonale kunnskapsorganet for arbeidsmiljø og -helse, og er organisert under Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet. Questionnaire (QPS_Nordic) for Psychological and Social Factors at Work (Dallner et al., 2000). To be able to compare the work environment characteristics and safety perceptions of Prosentvis fordeling på spørsmålene i QPSNordic-34+ 55 STAMI-rapport Årg. 1, nr.

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Velkommen til Nordic Stald Kemi - Produkter og hjælp til at få dit landbrug og stalde. Find de produkter du mangler og information om dem. heter QPS Nordic och har utvecklats av forskare från fyra av de nordiska länderna i ett projekt finansierat av Nordiska rådet (ibid). QPS är användbart vid forskning och arbetsplatsinterventioner för att upptäcka olika problemområden i den psykosociala arbetsmiljön (ibid). Syftet med att presenterades ett instrument, QPS Nordic, för undersökning av psykologiska och sociala fak-torer inom arbetsmiljöområdet (Dallner et al., 2000). Frågeformuläret var resultatet av ett samnordiskt projekt vars syfte var att öka den vetenskapliga kvaliteten och jämförbarheten hos data i samband med interventionsprojekt. Bordsfäste för trippla skärmar 13-27 tum i stål, lutbar, roterbar och vridbar.

PDF E2 Education, Learning and Training - ResearchGate

2. The development of the QPS Nordic-ADW The QPSNordic-ADW was developed in two stages to validate the questionnaire. In first stage, the existing Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work (QPSNordic) was selected to be the ground for the new questionnaire, since considerable effort was focused in 1994–1998 to QPSNordic General Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work Nordic Council of Ministers Project _____ 1 Responding to the Questionnaire On the following pages you will find questions and statements about your work QPS -Nordic. Kontaktperson AMM Uppsala saknas.

The Work Environment – Impact of Technological - GUPEA

A large group of Swedish county council employees (n= 3,976; response rate = 65%) participated in a study and were given the QPS Nordic. Register data for long‐term sick leave (>90 days), with diagnosis, were used for predictive analysis.

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Prosentvis fordeling på spørsmålene i QPSNordic-34+ 55 STAMI-rapport Årg. 1, nr.

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Exposure Assessment in Epidemiology and Practice - GUPEA

The Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work (QPS Nordic) (STAMI, 2001) was used. The QPS consists of 118 items; three items concerning bullying and harassment were taken out of the present study. The employees’ survey needs some background information about the organization, concerning the organizations business, possible connection with other companies, size and structure, decision-authority, organizational changes and personnel policy. Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt (STAMI) er det nasjonale kunnskapsorganet for arbeidsmiljø og -helse, og er organisert under Arbeids- og sosialdepartementet.