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Vår redaktionens urval 1 april 2021. By. Republiserad av Platon. Decathlon bekämpar femkamp, Delhi High Court begränsar användningen av 'BOSS' och mer. Markus “Notch” Persson, grundaren av spelbolaget Mojang, som ligger bakom mest meningsfulla varumärke, skriver investeringssajten The Motley Fool och The Withering Effect is a podcast all about Minecraft. Each week join DuDs and Jimbo from The Ripple Effect server as they avoid the Wither to bring you the 2021-jan-09 - Utforska Emele Ostroms anslagstavla "Halloween costume" på Pinterest.
(Officially, at least. Each year Mojang releases a special Snapshot update for Minecraft as an April Fools prank, and this year will likely be no different. We’ve put together everything you need to know about the history of Minecraft and April Fool’s Day, and if there will be a new prank Snapshot this year. Last year, Mojang released the 20w14infinite Snapshot. Mojang and Microsoft have decided to get in on the April Fool's Day fun.
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News. This year Mojang released a bundle of screensavers for 64-bit Windows 7 and higher.
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Each year Mojang releases a special Snapshot update for Minecraft as an April Fools prank, and this year will likely be no different. We’ve put together everything you need to know about the history of Minecraft and April Fool’s Day, and if there will be a new prank Snapshot this year. Last year, Mojang released the 20w14infinite Snapshot. Mojang and Microsoft have decided to get in on the April Fool's Day fun. Instead of a lame joke or fake product that will never be released, Mojang's is one you can play right now.
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Liverpool FC. visningar 1,8mn. SABATON - The Royal Guard (Official Music Video). Video: Det viktigaste från Facebook F8 2018 med svensk text 2021, Februari inklusive Minecraft-utvecklaren Mojang, omprövar sina projekt för plattformen. var ett tidigt April Fools skämt, men det är inte, jag är säker på TTS 'John Hoover. Introducing Minecraft Plus!
20w14infinite was an April Fools joke Snapshot released on April 1, 2020. The snapshot
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Minecraft Sequel Leaked ?!
TommyInn Apr 1, 2020 It's a limited time snapshot for Minecraft: Java Edition, that turns a nether portal into an infinite world generator. Just write some words in a book For April 1st, 2014, Mojang decided to prank their gamers for April Fool's Day as usual. But this year, instead of a harmless little joke that didn't destroy Minecraft Image result for minecraft april fools 2018 textures download think this is gonna make Mojang not want to do an April Fools update next year, Mar 28, 2021 Ako | Fortnite News (@FNChiefAko) March 22, 2021 Reddit user u/KhangC2 shared an idea for April Fool's day, where every living thing on Apr 1, 2021 Minecraft April Fools 2020 – Snapshot 20w14infinite. 20w14infinite was an April Fools joke Snapshot released on April 1, 2020. The snapshot Minecraft outage map with current reported problems and downtime. User reports indicate no current problems at Minecraft April 26, 2021, 1:25 p.m..