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Platforms: Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. *The anti-ransomware protection component is only available on Windows 7 or higher. Need support? Visit Malwarebytes for Windows support. NEW! Get  Free antivirus 360 Total Security is a leader in antivirus software. With a billion active internet users, 360 has earned a strong reputation for excellence. 15 Jan 2021 You must try one of this best free Antivirus for Windows 10 on your desktop or laptop computer.

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Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 in January 2020, but Avira’s free antivirus remains compatible with Windows 7. We will continue to provide updates until the end of 2022. While we encourage you to upgrade to Windows 10, we still offer protection if you decide to continue using Windows 7 for a while.

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