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[French éclogite, from Greek eklogē, selection (because the minerals it contains are not usually found together); see eclogue.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Eclogite definition, a rock consisting of a granular aggregate of green pyroxene and red garnet, often containing kyanite, silvery mica, quartz, and pyrite. See more. Definition of eclogite. : a metamorphic rock consisting of soda-rich pyroxene and magnesia-rich garnet as essential minerals. eclogite: A coarse-grained greenish rock consisting primarily of garnet and sodic pyroxene, and often including quartz, kyanite, and rutile.

Eclogite meaning

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It’s color can be just about any shade of green and is the matrix for which the Garnets formed. Eclogite is a gemstone with the power to regenerate things. It can be used to light a fire of regeneration to a weak soul. It would get rid of anxiety and fear and let you make progress to the future. This gemstone will be useful when you want courage to try again. It would revive again and again to grab the hope for the future at last.

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Since the original definition of the name was vague, its meaning was gradually settled through its usage in later eclogite: A coarse-grained greenish rock consisting primarily of garnet and sodic pyroxene, and often including quartz, kyanite, and rutile. eclogite - definition and meaning Community noun. mass noun Geology. A metamorphic rock containing granular minerals, typically garnet and pyroxene.

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It’s color can be just about any shade of green and is the matrix for which the Garnets formed. Eclogite is a gemstone with the power to regenerate things. It can be used to light a fire of regeneration to a weak soul. It would get rid of anxiety and fear and let you make progress to the future. This gemstone will be useful when you want courage to try again. It would revive again and again to grab the hope for the future at last. Eclogite: A high P/T metamorphic rock composed of more than 75% vol.
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Eclogite meaning

garnet (often pyrope or Mg-rich almandine) and omphacite (Na-Ca-Al-Mg clinopyroxene). Both must be present and neither component more than 75% vol. Eclogite never contains plagioclase. Rutile, kyanite, and quartz are typically present.

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Rocks contain a variety of eclogite rock Copyrighted image Icon Copyright: The Open  subduction and the retrograde exhumation of UHP eclogite yields information about the mobility significance of partial melting for tectonics (e.g., Wallis et al. 30 Oct 1973 of the possibility of the formation of nepheline normative magmas by partial melting of an eclogite does not mean that this is the only possible  However, its real significance lies in it being surviving material. 57 from the interaction between the eclogite and felsic granulite that has produced intermediate. Nevertheless, the term "eclogite" implies different things to different workers.

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Meaning of eclogite . Eclogite . The following texts are the property of their respective authors and we thank them for giving us the opportunity to share for free to students, teachers and users of the Web their texts will used only for illustrative educational and scientific purposes only. Translation for 'eclogite' in the free English-Finnish dictionary and many other Finnish translations.