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GCP Training Overview. PhD programs. Events and conferences. Lectures Uni BS. SSPH+ Faculty meetings. Summer School 2018. IZGG 2020. Summer School 2019.

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GCP Training Overview. PhD programs. Events and conferences. Lectures Uni BS. SSPH+ Faculty meetings. Summer School 2018. IZGG 2020.

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Human resource and capacity development departments of development organisations – You are looking for a capacity development programme that will train your employees and enhance their knowledge of interna-tional public health, health economics, management and business administration The Swiss Tropical ­ and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), an associated institute of the University of Basel, provides a unique learning environment that builds on students’ diverse skill sets and experiences. We welcome contact from employers who wish to train their employees or stakeholders in selected MBA­IHM topics. We also Swiss TPH’s MBA in International Health Management caters to all those involved in development cooperation, managing programmes and projects to support countries with resources constraints, or who aspire to such a position.

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Projects. Short courses. GCP Training Overview.

Lectures Uni BS. SSPH+ Faculty meetings. Summer School 2018. IZGG 2020. Summer School 2019. IJPH and SSPHplus.
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Swiss TPH's part-time MBA in International Health Management is designed for working   Our goal is to prepare students to become the best leaders in the Hospitality & Tourism industries based upon our Swiss experience in education and in hotel  13 avr. 2021 Découvrez le salaire chez Swiss TPH selon le type de job.

The Fee for MBA-IHM students*: CHF 2,450 Fee for Short Course students: CHF 2,850 *Same fee applies to tropEd students and students enrolled in a SSPH+ professional postgraduate Master or PhD programme.
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Search university ranking results by fields in Shanghai, QS, Times and Leiden rankings. Title: Master of Business Administration in International Health Management (MBA-IHM), Author: communications.swisstph, Name: Master of Business Administration in International Health Management MBA: Supply Chain Management in Health Care (SCMHC) Swiss TPH Many problems related to healthcare quality and safety are the consequences of poorly managed medicines and medical supplies.

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Ny teknik i Nevadaöknen - PDF Free Download

Overview. Strong managers and leaders are needed to ensure sustainable and equitable health systems that can respond to current and future health needs. The  Swiss TPH's MBA in International Health Management caters to all those involved in development cooperation, managing programmes and projects to support  4 Aug 2020 The MBA in International Health Management programme seeks to create a in International Health Management (MBA-IHM) at Swiss TPH. 18 Sep 2019 in International Health Management MBA-IHM 2021 at Swiss TPH, Basel About the MBA-IHM and Short Courses The master programme is  Strong managers and leaders are needed to ensure sustainable and equitable health systems that can respond to current and future health needs. The MBA in International Health Management programme seeks to create a new generation of managers and leaders, building on their various skills sets and personalities in order to equip them for independent meso- and macro-level leadership positions by maintaining a global perspective and interdisciplinary approach to health. The Swiss Tropical ­ and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), an associated institute of the University of Basel, provides a unique learning environment that builds on students’ diverse skill sets and experiences. We welcome contact from employers who wish to train their employees or stakeholders in selected MBA­IHM topics. We also Swiss TPH’s MBA in International Health Management (MBA-IHM) seeks to create a new generation of managers and leaders capable of navigating these complexities, those who have solid knowledge of and practical skills in public health, health economics, business administra - tion and management and who are able to work in multicultural and Swiss TPH, Socinstrasse 57, P. O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, T +41 61 284 81 11, F +41 61 284 81 01, FIHM – Foundations of International Health Management A. Hoffmann, B. Bürkin Application deadline: 23 April 2021 Preparation phase (self-directed): 10 May - 18 June 2021 On-campus phase: 21 - 25 June 2021 The MBA in International Health Management, offered by the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), an associated institute of the University of Basel and a member of the Swiss School of Public Health+ (SSPH+), provides a unique opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills outlined above.