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APMIS. Details · Single Issue. From $153.28. Details · Print Subscription. From $1,526.85. Copyright © 2021 Sheridan POD. Powered by Shopify. APMIS -Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica(-) APMIS -Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica etImmunologica Scandinavica The Agricultural Production and Market Information System (APMIS) is an initiative of the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security.
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Forsum U, Hallén A, Larsson PG Bacterial Vaginosis – a Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica (APMIS), 128 (6), 440-444. Information via DOI. Hilmarsdóttir, I. , Arnardóttir, E. M. , Jóhannesdóttir [APMIS (Online)]; APMIS [Elektronisk resurs] published on behalf of the Scandinavian Societies for Medical Microbiology and Pathology; 2000-; E-tidskrift. APMIS. 2009; 117: 205-11.
ämne:Medicinsk mikrobiologi - LIBRIS - sökning
European Studies Genome instability Genome instability KOLSTØ, ANNE‐BRIT 1998-11-01 00:00:00 lA\l ?I râ r II I&? -__ Genome instability ANNE-BRIT KOLST0 The Biotechnology Center of Oslo and The Institute of Pharmacy, Department of Microbiology University of Oslo, Gaustadallken 21,0371 Oslo, Norway It is now almost 10 years ago that it was first published that certain bacteria did not always contain just Main Menu. Attn all users: Please use compatibility settings for 'Set' button to work properly Steps for IE10; Steps for IE11; India is celebrating Digital India Week from 01.07.2015 to 07.07.2015 and Hon. Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi is inaugurating the same on 01.07.2015. VOL. 125, NUMBER 2, FEBRUARY 2017 ACTA PATHOLOGICA, MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA www.apmis.org a apm_125_2_12611.indd 1 pm_125_2_12611.indd 1 1 1/6/2017 6:13:52 PM /6/2017 6:13:52 PM APMIS, formerly Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica, has been published since 1924 by the Scandinavian Societies for Medical Microbiology … Apmis. ISSN 0903-4641 (Print); ISSN 1600-0463 (Online) Visit publication homepage .
Föreningen för klinisk mikrobiologi - Mikrobiologi.net
C 2006 The Authors. Printed in Denmark . All rights reserved. Journal Compilation C 2006 APMIS. ISSN 0903-4641. Detection of Browsing: APMIS. Hubs.
The aim of APMIS is to publish original research in the fields of pathology, microbiology and immunology, and from related
APMIS | All Purpose Medical Information System. CLOUD-BASED SaaS DIGITAL HEALTHCARE PLATFORM FOR AFRICA. Electronic medical records. Practice management system.
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APIMS is a website that provide information of the latest API readings at Continuous Air Quality Monitoring (CAQM) stations in Malaysia, based on standard health classification. Two new features for APMIS submissions We now have two new functions available which help both authors and our editors; a new AI-engine which automatically checks your manuscript on 50 parameters re technical aspects and potential omissions in a manuscript (structure, word count, author affiliation, references, ethical forms, and many more). APMIS is an international journal and will accept papers from all over the world. Publication Ethics APMIS is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and adheres to the ethical guidelines set fourth by COPE. APMIS Ethical guidelines: APMIS, formerly known as Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica, et Immunologica Scandinavica, is a monthly medical journal published on behalf of the Scandinavian Societies for Medical Microbiology and Pathology by Wiley Munksgaard.
Wiedenmann, B, Franke WW, Kuhn C, Moll R, Gould VE. Synaptophysin: a marker protein for neuroendocrine cells and neoplasms. av MG till startsidan Sök — APMIS 2009; 117: 10-20. Langford CA, Monach PA, Specks U, Seo P, Cuthbertson D, McAlear CA et al.
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Publications 2009 - Region Örebro län
APMIS 2007;115:152-63. 4. Wiedenmann, B, Franke WW, Kuhn C, Moll R, Gould VE. Synaptophysin: a marker protein for neuroendocrine cells and neoplasms.
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APMIS Tidskrift — Helsingfors universitet
MK Andersson, S Karlsson. Computational Statistics 16 (2), 221-231, 2001.