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Antonyms for disc jockey. 2 synonyms for disc jockey: disk jockey, dj. What are synonyms for disc jockey? Definition of disc-jockey in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary.

Disc jockey meaning

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Disc Jockey Meaning in English to Urdu is موسیقی کے منتخب ریکارڈ چلانے والا خصوصاََ نشریات میں۔, as written in Urdu and Mosiqi Ke Muntakhib Record Chalanay Wala Khusoosan Nashriyat Main., as written in Roman Urdu. disc jockey in American English US a person who conducts a radio program of recorded music, esp. popular music, or one who plays recorded music for dancing at a disco , party, etc. Define jockey. jockey synonyms, jockey pronunciation, jockey translation, English dictionary definition of jockey. n. "a disc jockey" manipulator, operator - an agent that operates some apparatus or machine; "the operator of the switchboard" Verb: 1.

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a US spelling of disc jockey 2. a US spelling of disc jockey.

Discjockey synonyms, Discjockey pronunciation, Discjockey translation, English dictionary definition of Discjockey. also disk jockey n. 1.
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Disc jockey meaning

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Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014. Disc jockey, also spelled disk jockey, person who conducts a program of recorded music on radio, on television, or at discotheques or other dance halls. Disc jockey programs became the economic base of many radio stations in the United States after World War II. What does disc-jockey mean? An announcer who presents and comments on popular recorded music, especially on the radio.
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el disc jockey, la disc jockey This means that the noun can be masculine or feminine, depending on the gender of person it refers to (e.g. el doctor, la doctora). masculine or feminine noun Video shows what disc jockey means. A person who plays and mixes recorded music at nightclubs, over the radio, and/or as a backup musician for spoken word, o List of notable or famous disc jockeys from the United States, with bios and photos, including the top disc jockeys born in the United States and even some popular disc jockeys who immigrated to the United States.

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Videolängd  The meaning of dyslexia is divided into the medical and educational aspects of the actionné quotidiennement à heure fixe par un disc-jockey automatique». el Festival Arenal Sound 2011 por ELYELLA Djs. Para revivir momentos especiales aunque no podamos repetir el amanecer y la playa […]. Kategori: Discjockeys.