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at someone's mercy, at someone's request, at someone's service, at stake, at sword's point, att., attaboy, attacca, attach, attaché, attaché case Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021 Example sentences from the Web for att. ATT: Attard (postal locality, Malta) ATT: American Tobacco Trail: ATT: Air Tightness Testing: ATT: Average Talk Time (telemarketing) ATT: Anti-Theft Technology (Intel Corp.) ATT: Authorization to Transport (firearm permit, Canada) ATT: alt.toys.transformers (newsgroup) ATT: African Think Tank (Australia; leadership) ATT: Access to Technologies Definition of att. written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. att (Noun) A subdivision of currency, equal to a 1/100th of a Lao kip. att (Noun) A subdivision of currency, equal to a 1/100th of a Lao kip.
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3 attorney. att (also: sinceramente, atenciosamente) AT&T was founded as Bell Telephone Company by Alexander Graham Bell, Gardiner Greene Hubbard, and Thomas Sanders after Bell's patenting of the telephone. One of its subsidiaries was the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T), established in 1885, which was acquired by the Bell Company on December 31, 1899, but for legal reasons, AT&T remained the main company. 2020-09-16 · English Etymology 1 . From Lao ອັດ (ʼat). Noun . att (plural att) A subdivision of currency, equal to one hundredth of a Lao kip.
Att: English translation, definition, meaning, synonyms
Weird things about the name Att: The name spelled backwards is Tta. attest to sth The commission demands that Chief Financial Officers personally attest to the accuracy of their financial statements. [ I ] to show that something is true: attest to sth The decline in sales attests to the fact that the product is out of date.
Att vara så bra som att: English translation, definition, meaning
Create a mock case study of a client who is a survivor of a traumatic event and who has overcome the experience, and is now demonstrating resilience and overall wellbeing. Include and discuss the following concepts: Introduce the concept of resilience. The aim of the treaty is to reduce all taxes and tariffs on information technology products by the signatories to zero. [2] The agreement also provides for the obligation to remove non-tariff barriers in the information technology sector and to review the list of products covered to determine whether further expansion may be necessary to take account of future technological developments.
Obsolete spelling of at; Anagrams . Tat, tat
att (Noun) A subdivision of currency, equal to a 1/100th of a Lao kip. Att. English translation: For the attention of the person dealing with the issue in hand
Att definition: an ancient Siamese coin | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
att definition in English dictionary, att meaning, synonyms, see also 'Att. Gen.',attn',Attu',atty'. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary
at someone's mercy, at someone's request, at someone's service, at stake, at sword's point, att., attaboy, attacca, attach, attaché, attaché case.
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For all your Swedish English translation, use SYSTRAN's technology, the market leader for Machine Translation technologies. AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) | Definition. What does AppTrackingTransparency mean? Starting with Apple's iOS 14 update, user consent for ad tracking will be Jun 1, 2015 It has several uses, but the main meaning is “to become”.
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Alibaba.com offers 807 att english products. About 0% of these are Books. A wide variety of att english options are available to you, such as genre. What is ATT? There may be more than one meaning of ATT, so check it out all meanings of ATT one by one.