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Biosciences and Nutrition Performs research and education in e.g. molecular endocrinology, epigenetics, structural biochemistry, cellular virology and nutrition. Cell and Molecular Biology A nationally leading academic research center of high international standard where science comes first and foremost. Se hela listan på Bioinformatics Credits 5.5 credits Form of Education Higher Education, study regulation 2007 Main field of study Biomedicine Level AV - Second cycle Grading scale Fail (U), pass (G) or pass with distinction (VG) Department Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics Decided by Programnämnd 7 Decision date 2011-11-25 Postdoc in Bioinformatics for Precision Medicine, Dept. of oncology-pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden **Qualifications.** The successful applicant is expected to have a doctoral degree in the fields Bioinformatik Hp 5,5 hp Utbildningsform Högskoleutbildning, 2007 års studieordning Huvudområde Biomedicin Nivå AV - Avancerad nivå Betygsskala Underkänd (U), godkänd (G) eller väl godkänd (VG) Kursansvarig institution Institutionen för medicinsk biokemi och biofysik Beslutande organ Programnämnd 7 Bioinformatics analysis of gene regulation in omics data and its applications to medical problems Course number: 3027: Programme: Cellbiologi och genetik: Language: English: Credits: 3.0: Notes: The course meets the requirements for a general science course.

Karolinska bioinformatics

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Lars Engstrand – Coordinator of WP2 - Karolinska institute. Lena Öhman Dirk Repsilber – Bioinformatics - Örebro University. Uppdaterad: 2017-11-13  Postdoctoral Researcher - Bioinformatics Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC) at Karolinska Institutet conducts research and teaching  Linuxadministratör med inriktning mot HCP till Karolinska Institutet KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET. Publicerad bioinformatics models), Python. Bringing together people who are interested in computer science, bioinformatics, and related areas. Join us

MH-01B: Molecular medicine - Vetenskapsrådet

The participants are mostly from MWLC research groups and our close collaborators. Karolinska Institute (autumn semester) and Stockholm University (spring semester) offer the courses during the first year. Year 2 The second year contains mandatory courses in applied gene technology with bioinformatics analysis of large-scale data, and clinical applications of biotechnology. Karolinska Institutet is a state university, which entitles to several benefits such as extended holiday and generous occupational pension.

Nicholas Tobin - Associate Professor in Bioinformatics

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Our research community The research at SciLifeLab is performed within a broad range of life science, from understanding, diagnosing and treating diseases to microbial bioenergy production and environmental monitoring. We […] Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Adress: PO Box 281 Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm Phone: 46-8-5248 3983 Fax: 46-8-314 975 Email: Maria HORTLUND, System developer | Cited by 609 | of Karolinska Institutet, Solna (KI) | Read 27 publications | Contact Maria HORTLUND Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC) at Karolinska Institutet conducts research and teaching in immunology, infection biology, cell biology and cancer. MTC has about 430 active employees, including 100 PhD students, 50 postdoctoral researchers and 26 professors.
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Karolinska bioinformatics

of oncology-pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden **Qualifications.** The successful applicant is expected to have a doctoral degree in the fields Karolinska Institutet is one of the world's leading medical universities. Our vision is to pursue the development of knowledge about life and to promote better health for all. At Karolinska Institutet, we conduct innovative medical research and provide the largest range of biomedical education in Sweden. Bioinformatics (5.5 hp) The course treats both sequence related and non-sequence related bioinformatics including databases, handling of sequence data, pair-wise alignment, multiple alignment and phylogeny.

The schedule was relaxed throughout the course. We had lectures in the morning followed by computer labs post lunch.
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MH-01B: Molecular medicine - Vetenskapsrådet

About us. BEA - the core facility for Bioinformatics and Expression Analysis is a genomic analysis service facility that provides a broad repertoire of technologies to ongoing research projects at Karolinska Institutet and other Swedish universities. This includes services for genomic analysis based on the Illumina, Affymetrix, Agilent, and ABI platforms for massive parallel sequencing, microarray analysis and qPCR. Bioinformatics (5.5 hp) The course treats both sequence related and non-sequence related bioinformatics including databases, handling of sequence data, pair-wise alignment, multiple alignment and phylogeny.

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All programmes are given in English. We accept applications for the autumn semester from mid-October to mid-January. Karolinska Institutets Sommarforskarskola i beräkningsbiologi och bioinformatik 2020 Vad är beräkningsbiologi och bioinformatik? Vad ingår i sommarforskarskolan? Ansökan till skolan innebär två steg. Först, en kodutmaning som ska köras online.