Synergi Life – Appar på Google Play uses cookies to give you the best possible experience on our site. By browsing the site you agree to our use of cookies. You can click “Close” to remove this message. With DNV GL’s new release of Synergi Pipeline Simulator, the worldwide leader in transient flow simulation for both liquid and gas pipelines, the software has taken a leap forward. The software includes powerful new features and tools that help engineers improve pipeline designs, detect leaks, improve performance, increase efficiency and cut costs. DNV GL’s assessment tools are based on 50 years’ experience of delivering software to the industry. The latest release of Synergi Pipeline is a direct result of market needs.

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I would like to receive informational emails with related content in the future from DNV GL, for example but not limited to invitations to webinars, seminars, newsletters, or access to research that DNV GL thinks is relevant to me. FAQ on electrical simulation software. Synergi Electric models and analyses power distribution systems in a real world spatial environment in full detail from the substation to the customer. Reliability engineering and system safety. Find out more. Frequently asked questions on the water quality analysis and hydraulic modelling software Synergi Water.

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We generally set the tolerance to something small, here it’s .001 – we’re solving for efficiency. The Synergi asset optimization product line, built on industry-leading hydraulic modelling, provides a comprehensive range of solutions for design, operational performance and optimization, including online systems such as leak detection in liquid and gas pipelines.

New technologies and the Internet of Things - DNV GL Talks

Se hela listan på Synergi Pipeline Overpressurization is the DNV Pipeline Product Group’s first multi-tenant cloud web application. Designed to help pipeline planners and engineers characterize the criticality of regulator stations from a hydraulic standpoint, the first round of private previews for the Synergi Pipeline Overpressurization application was a huge success. Improved Customer Portal replaces Synergi Life Extranet. Dear customer, At DNV GL – Software we are excited about our progress as one merged company. We have hosted multiple International Software Summits, bringing together a cross section of users across all product centers. We are now also merging tools and sharing support globally.

Synergi Life - 质量健康安全环境(QHSE)风险管理软件. Read more.
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I lys av dagens COVID-19 situasjon er det viktig for DNV GL å sikre en trygg gjennomføring av våre kurs for både kursdeltakere og kursholdere. Derfor har vi gjort om alle våre klasseromskurs (med unntak av 5-dagers revisjonslederkurs) til digitale klasseromskurs levert via Teams.

Including time savings, lower investment and maintenance costs, high performance, data security, flexibility and scalability.
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‎Synergi Life Mobile App, an extension of Synergi Life, lets users easily create observations and incident reports anytime and from anywhere, using their iPhones to take a snapshot and make a voice recording. Synergi Life (previously named Synergi) is a complete business solution for risk and QHSE… 17-18 October 2017, London, United Kingdom. Register at May 23, 2019 Synergi Pipeline Simulator is a recognized industry leading software solution that enables hydraulic modelling for pipeline design, online leak  Synergi Life by DNV GL is a complete business solution for risk and QHSE management, managing all non-conformances, incidents, risk, risk analyses, audits,  With Synergi Plant facility management software you can store all types of facilities and equipment in one flexible central database.

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更多信息. uses cookies to give you the best possible experience on our site. DNV GL 职业 With DNV GL’s new release of Synergi Pipeline Simulator, the worldwide leader in transient flow simulation for both liquid and gas pipelines, the software has taken a leap forward. The software includes powerful new features and tools that help engineers improve pipeline designs, detect leaks, improve performance, increase efficiency and cut costs. SYNERGI LIFE FOR BARRIER MANAGEMENT Order a bow tie analysis demo With the Barrier management bow tie module in Synergi Life, you can identify human, technical and organizational barriers, and to manage those barriers with bow tie analysis to secure stable, safe and predictable operations. DNV GL has developed the Synergi Life Business Contingency Management module based on extensive domain expertise with decades of experience in QHSE software and immunology.