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An Expolorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-Based HRM Ruël; Bondarouk; Looise - 2004 Criticità Non considera mai l'ipotesi che l'e-HRM possa essere una strategia NON vincente Unico punto di vista adottato è delle grandi aziende "E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation. An Explorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-based HRM ," management revue. Socio-economic Studies , Rainer Hampp Verlag, vol. 15(3), pages 364-380. Based upon the literature, an e-HRM research model is developed and, guided by this model, five organizations have been studied that have already been on the ‘e-HR road’ for a number of years. We conclude that the goals of e-HRM are mainly to improve HR’s … E-HRM is the relatively new term for this IT supported HRM, especially through the use of web technology.
E-HRM is the relatively new term for this IT supported HRM, especially through the use of web technology. This paper aims at demy E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation. Or like one e-HR project manager put it: “In fact, with e-HR we want to improve customer satisfaction, decrease costs, and improve efficiency.” 374 Huub Ruël, Tanya Bondarouk, Jan Kees Looise: E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation This is surprising, and actually rather strange, because it is questionable whether an improvement in HR service to employees and line management can coexist with an improved efficiency (for which read decreasing costs). E-HRM is the relatively new term for this IT supported HRM, especially through the use of web technology. This paper aims at demy E-HRM : innovation or irritation ; an explorative empirical study in five large companies on web-based HRM - EconBiz E-HRM is the relatively new term for this IT supported HRM, E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation. Authors.
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An Explorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-based HRM ," management revue - Socio-Economic Studies , Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, vol. 15(3), pages 364-380. We are not allowed to display external PDFs yet.
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enable innovative ways of carrying on routine making use of Electronic Human Resource Management. (e-HRM) systems. E-HRM: Innovation or irritation. Electronic human resource management (e-HRM) systems are no excep- E- HRM: Innovation or Irritation: An e-HRM in Mexico: adapting innovations for. ment known as e-HRM meaning "the adoption of technology Management [ HRM] from largely a maintenance function to J.C. E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation.
An Explorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-based HRM. Huub Ru‰l (), Tanya Bondarouk and Jan Kees Looise () Additional contact information Huub Ru‰l: Utrecht University Tanya Bondarouk: Twente University …
E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation. An Expolorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-Based HRM Ruël; Bondarouk; Looise - 2004 Criticità Non considera mai l'ipotesi che l'e-HRM possa essere una strategia NON vincente Unico punto di vista adottato è delle grandi aziende
"E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation.
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Ruel, HJM, Bondarouk, T & Looise, JC 2004, ' E-HRM: Innovation or irritation. An explorative empirical study in five large companies on web-based HRM ', Management revue , vol. 15, no.
An Explorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-based HRM** Technological optimistic voices assume that, from a
E-HRM: INNOVATION OR IRRITATION An explorative empirical study in five large companies on web-based HRM Ruël, Huub, Utrecht University, Bijlhouwerstraat 6, 3511 ZC, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Bondarouk, Tanya, Twente University, P.O. box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands, Abstract
376 Huub Ruël, Tanya Bondarouk, Jan Kees Looise: E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation . raise questions.
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15(3), pages 364-380. E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation. An Expolorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-Based HRM Ruël; Bondarouk; Looise - 2004 Criticità Non considera mai l'ipotesi che l'e-HRM possa essere una strategia NON vincente Unico punto di vista adottato è delle grandi aziende "E-HRM: Innovation or Irritation. An Explorative Empirical Study in Five Large Companies on Web-based HRM ," management revue - Socio-Economic Studies , Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, vol.